My make-over was however, life changing but it took another four years to really sink in. What was old became some thing new. Because I accepted Jesus and my Lord, the One who governs my life, I don't believe I have the choice to say, do or dress how I please, but what would please HIM.
After much prayer, I decided to open this blog, let the LORD lead in it's endeavours and dedicate it to my five daughters with fervent prayer that I can break the cycles of destruction in my family.
I wanted this to be a place for women of all ages. More over, a place for women in their path of discovering the virtue of modesty, to find "resources for nurturing Biblical femininity and womanhood." Occasionally I would chime in with a post here and there on a topic the Lord pressed in my heart to write.
It seems to some, mostly "Anonymous" readers who make the assumption that I am assuming or making judgement on others. A hypocritical statement in itself! I am quite the opposite, in fact. Having been there, done that, for so many years of my life, I am more conscious of what people wear and don't wear. I want to encourage women and be a Titus 2 mentor, not having one myself to answer some of the questions some women have.
Most women, myself included, have been duped by the fashion and marketing "experts." We think that because clothes are hanging up in retail windows, then they must be in style and we must buy them. That old phrase '"If your friends jump off a bridge, would you do it too?" comes to mind when I think of what is "trendy" fashions.
To answer a few readers questions, I am not a Mormon, I am not part of the HRM, nor am I Amish or Mennonite. I do not wear a head covering. I do have several Mormon and Mennonite friends though!
I want to address a few other questions from readers and I will try to answer them in light of Scripture:
"Are you quiver full?"
Read this to find out.
"This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live."~Deuteronomy 30:19
"If you think the dresses are wrong to wear why are you posting pictures of models wearing them? Don't you think that defeats the purpose of the article?"
What better picture can I describe as being im-modest than the dress itself? What I posted is what's "in style." If you didn't see it in my blog post, you'll see the dresses when you go out shopping.
"I don't know whether to laugh uproarously or pity those who think this way."
Your not the first person to laugh at me, I'm sure your not the last. :0)
"Most importantly, I want to remind you that in the last days scoffers will come, mocking the truth and following their own desires." 2 peter 3:3
"It shouldn't matter what you dress like. Jesus looks at your heart."
Yes it does.
In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;~ 1 Timothy 2:9
The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?~ Jeremiah 17:9
Why doesn't the church address modesty?
I don't know but you can read an article about it here.
Living counter to what the culture and church deems as normal takes strength and dignity! Is that what you are clothed in?
Heroins of the Faith and The Unplugged Family have excellent articles on Modesty I encourage you to read. I am linking this post to Deep Roots at Home and would love for you to join me over there for even more encouragement!
11 Modest Musings:
As a pastors wife, I was thrilled to see yesterdays post.
One of the comments you referred to was "Jesus looks in my heart" And though that is true, man looks on the outside. Another reason we should be a good modest witness for the Lord. We are to be different from the world, to bring people out of the world to Jesus. If we are just like the world, why do they need to come out and to change? Keep up the good work!!!
Again, very well said! I so appreciate you!
Stephanie, thank you for the stand you continue to take. It's not easy going against the grain, but it does take integrity and I appreciate that.
So beautifully said! What is HRM?
HRM stands for Hebrew Roots Movement.
Great post Stephanie. I appreciate what you share a lot! :) Blessings to you - May the Lord continue to give you things to share with others.
I would just like to add that in yesterday's post I saw no judgement, but a sadness and desire to be a loving example to others. So many women/girls out there do not have people to tell them in love about modesty and honouring God and those around them in what they wear.
I am just discovering a lot of these things myself and am becoming more aware of my own clothing and also clothing of others around me. That doesn't mean I look at them and judge, but that I am aware. I believe this is what Stephanie meant too.
When people are challenged by something, they will sometimes become defensive, but all we can really do is be in prayer for others, be an example and ask God where He would have us speak out.
Be encouraged Stephanie, and thank you for your post!
Wonderful post! Thank you for linking over to those articles as well.
I really appreciate your candor and simple straight-forward authenticity. It is not easy to take flack from those who do not know you, and I pray that this post and others you have written here will plant seed and change hearts for the LORD. I am thankful for your witness. Many blessings!
Just a thought...I don't know if you ever link up, but I would consider it an honor if you would link this post on 'Encourage One Another' Wednesday. I believe it would be a blessing to others who are seeking direction for their lives right now! Thank you.
WOW!! I never took your posting as anything more than what God had led you to write. I have never felt ANYTHING I read to be anything more than uplifting. Perhaps the people commenting that are perhaps suffering from within themselves. I have a brother who I am estranged from that believes that the family is hypocritical Christians that are brainwashed cult followers. And that we are actually Satan's childeren. I pray for him and others like him that are afraid to see and live in God's love. Many times when people lash out they are doing such are lashing out as they are dealing with their own demons. You stay blessed and PLEASE continue your beautiful posts that are an inspiration!! Shelly Foster
The article by Randy you linked to was great- I shared that on my facebook and I hope other ladies will read it. Wonderful post. Thank you for sharing your heart, despite some negativity from others. -Nicole @ Working Kansas Homemaker
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