
Pure Modesty is dedicated to the five shades of pink that magnify my soul with joy. Throughout this web-site you will see tiny areas of great inspiration my daughters have given me. Recognizing special traits I see in their own unique personalities, I chose different fonts, colors and images with their hearts in mind.

Mission Statement:

Pure Modesty belongs to the Lord and I will use the talents he has given me to bring Him glory through it.

I will praise and promote other women in this on-line community who are doing well in their own edvevours.

I will only write on subjects that are wholesome, motivating and encourageing so that others will be inspired to create life-giving homes and friendships.

I am:

Overcoming through Christ,
a sinner
a daughter
a wife
a mother
 horrible speller, 
particular and introverted
strong yet frail
old fashioned
sometimes silly

I am a friend.

1 Modest Musings:

Jacqueline @ said...

Dear Stephanie,
I am so glad to meet you. this is the first time to your beautiful and winsome blog. I am late to the blog scene and am a slow learner, but I am so thankful that the Lord is allowing me to do this one step at a time. I just had to stop in and say "Hi!" God bless you.